Christmas Gift Ideas For The Hiker & Adventurer- Usually hiking travelers are not ones to need much stuff, they may be hard to buy for. But this list is full of great useful items they can take with them while traveling, on the road or heading to a hiking destination or local trail. This holiday shopping list is perfect for the adventurer in your life. As these gadgets and hiking gear make life a little easier while on the trail. Check our my travel hiking gift guide below, hope it helps your holiday shopping!

Water Bottles
No matter short or long hikes I have these two types of water bottles on me. These are perfect for that person in your life that does a lot of airplane travel. These Hydrapak Stash Flexible Waterbottles collapse down to fit into a backpack or carry on luggage. A total space saver! Not only are they great on short hikes but also perfect for in the airport. For shorter travels I use Vapur Foldable Water Bottles. Ditch needed to buy the expensive water at the airport or shops, and help the environment with these reusable bottles. I have never traveler without these! Some of these would even make a great Stocking Stuffer for your favorite traveler.
They don’t need to be climbing grade but a simple utility carabiner is always handy to have. I have used these from clipping a water bottle to my backpack, clipping a muddy pair for shoes to my luggage to dry out, to secure my backpack raincover and so much more.
REI brand backpacks are super affordable and durable. I plan on using my 40L backpack during our hike on the W Trek in Patagonia. But their smalerl day packpacks (and also Osprey Packs) are perfect for quick hikes. You can often find them on sale at REI.
Compression Packing Bags
In many of my packing guides I have mentioned my profound love for packing cubes. They make life so much more easier and organized while on the road. And now they even have compression packing cubes! I think I may need to get my hands on these. Organized, a quicker re-packing method AND saves space! Sold!
For the day hiker packing in a suitcase or the multiple day hiker packing in a pack strapped to their back, compression bags are a great thing to have to save space. Saving space on luggage is always a hot topic in travel and these compression bags will help do the trick for any type of traveler. We also love just normal packing cubes to help stay organized in our backpacks and suitcases, I have written about my love for them many times in my packing lists and gift guide posts. They don’t compress but I do believe they help save space and will keep you organized.
Scrubba Wash Bag
If the multiple day hiker, or even the long term traveler Scrubba Wash Bags would be something convenient. We have sometimes struggled with long term traveling and hiking travels on finding a place to do laundry. Usually we make sure we book an AirBnB with laundry service available during mid trip but it doesn’t always work out. Or when we were in a campervan in Iceland and Washington there were not many campgrounds that had it available. The Scrubba Wash Bags would of came in handy to let us wash a few personal items and small shirts or shorts. You can even pair this with some eco-friendly laundry pods/sheets to make it a set.
Dry Towels
Quick Dry Towels in a variety of sizes have come in handy a countless number of times. Especially while backpacking or campervaning and needing to hand wash and dry dishes and pots ourselves. Not only for that but they also work well for showers, spills, or general sweat! There are sets that you can buy that has a variety of sizes, to washcloth size, travel packing convenience and even large bath towels. I also never travel anywhere without my quick-dry and pack-able Turkish Towel.
Water Purifier Bottle
Remember when LifeStraws were all the rage? Now instead of drinking from a stream of water, you can use purifiers right inside your waterbottle to make life a little easier. Carrying loads of water can get heavy quickly for the long trail hiker. Check out the one link above to see how easy they are to use.
Lees Pour Over Coffees
Lee’s Coffee Fresh Ground Pourover Coffee are perfect for the adventurous spirit that loves their cup of morning joe. Good tasting coffee can be hard to get while camping or on the trail. Lee’s Coffee has made it very easy with their small packable pour overs. And guys this is REAL coffee, not instant so it tastes great. It even comes with little packets of cream and sugar if you want to add to it. Could not get easier!
Hiking Socks
I don’t think I could own enough pairs of good hiking socks. One I have pairs for different seasons, longer thick ones for colder climates and thiner ankle lenght ones for warmer climates. I also tend to throw on a pair of the thicker cozier ones for just around my house in the winter. At first I definitely was one in which I thought hiking socks couldn’t make that much of a difference. And then when I went to Zion National Park a few summers ago I was proven wrong when I tried some out! Now I can’t go on any hikes without them. If your that your gift receiver loves to hike a pair of these would be a great gift for Stocking Stuffer. Check out my post on Travel Stocking Stuffers for more ideas.
Clothes Line
For the hiker, camper or overseas traveler sometimes washing clothes can put one in a bind. Much of Europe does not have dryers. So we are often stuck finding areas to dry our clothes in a short time. This Peg-Less Clothesline lets travelers dry wet clothes anywhere. This would of came in handy while using a campervan in Washington to change some of our wet clothes when we got rained on.
Backpack Rain Cover
Another item that is great to have is a backpack rain cover. This is a great gift for the more adventurous type but also really for anyone that travels with a backpack. We didn’t do a ton of long hiking in Ireland but still used these during our short visits to the Cliffs of Mohr when it was raining, but still wanting to see the sights and protect our gear. I love this brand, as it folds up small in a ziplock bag to make it easy to back you your travel backpack.
If looking for more gift ideas check out my other gift guide posts:
Women’s Travel Gift Ideas For Christmas 2019
Men’s Travel Gift Ideas for Christmas 2019
Travel Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Christmas 2019
Travel Packing List For Your Camera and Photography Gear
Women’s Travel Gifts: Ideas for Christmas (2018)
Men’s Travel Gifts: Ideas for Christmas (2018)
Travel Stocking Stuffer: Ideas for Christmas (2018)

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